Donkey Hodie
Donkey Hodie is a puppet series for preschoolers inspired by the quirky, funny side of Fred Rogers as well as his mission to help young viewers navigate the frustrations and challenges of childhood.
Through 11-minute, character-driven stories full of adventure and imagination, Donkey Hodie and her pals Purple Panda, Bob Dog, and Duck Duck empower young viewers to dream big and overcome obstacles in their own lives! To work hard and persevere in the face of failure! To be resourceful and discover that they are capable of solving problems on their own! Oh, and to laugh themselves silly along the way!
The series, which premiered in May 2021, features new original music along with reimagined versions of Fred Rogers’ iconic songs to reinforce and underscore each story’s positive message and fun adventures.
Donkey Hodie lives in the land of Someplace Else, which was created by Fred Rogers as a part of The Neighborhood of Make-Believe on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. As Fred once said: “Do you ever feel that you need to find ‘some place else’ to play sometimes? When somebody says to you, ‘You’re making too much noise!’ You don’t just have to stop everything. No. You do something else. Or you find ‘someplace else’ to do it.”
The granddaughter of the original Donkey Hodie character from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, Donkey wakes up each morning with her ears and magenta mane perked up, her eyes wide open, and her determination dialed up to an 11. She’s a curious, sincere, resilient, and charming young go-getter who is beloved by her neighbors in Someplace Else because she is something else. She often bursts out of her windmill with a fresh goal for the day and a hee-haw!
Donkey Hodie is produced by Fred Rogers Productions and Spiffy Pictures. The series is created by Adam Rudman and David Rudman, co-founders of Spiffy Pictures (Nature Cat, Jack’s Big Music Show, and Bunnytown), and developed by Ellen Doherty, Chief Creative Officer at Fred Rogers Productions. Executive producers are Ellen Doherty, Adam Rudman, and David Rudman.
Donkey Hodie

Donkey Hodie Set to Premiere May 3 on PBS KIDS
January 27, 2021
The new series from Fred Rogers Productions and Spiffy Pictures is inspired by the work of Fred Rogers.

Fred Rogers Productions Announces DONKEY HODIE, Premiering Winter 2021
January 10, 2020
New Preschool Series Inspired by Characters from MISTER ROGERS’ NEIGHBORHOOD, Featuring Original Puppets.

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We bring our one-of-a-kind expertise in early childhood development to partnerships with talented creators, writers, illustrators, animators and producers. Together, we create shows that foster a natural enthusiasm for learning and that make kids smile while they learn big life lessons. And we are always exploring how to make the most of new ways for kids to watch and play.